Edmonton Antique Auto Club
Edmonton Antique Auto Club
EACC Celebrated 60 Years
EACC Celebrated 60 Years

The Edmonton Antique Car Club

is registered in the Province of Alberta as a nonprofit society, interested in historical motor vehicles and related collectible items. Our club is dedicated to the acquisition, restoration, preservation, salvage, maintenance of and promotion of interest in cars from the following categories.
The Horseless Carriage Era (1892 to 1905)

The Brass Era (1906 to 1915)

The Vintage Era (1916 to 1927)

Early Production (1928 to 1935)

Late Production (1936 to 1948)

Classics (1925 to 1948) (Defined by The Classic Car Club of America.)
EACC Founders
The club has not created further categories for post 1948 vehicles in keeping with the large national organizations such as Vintage Car Club of Canada, Antique Automobile Club of America or Classic Car Club of America. However, all persons with an interest in antique vehicles, including “modern antiques” (1949 and newer) are welcomed and encouraged to join our club.

Our objectives also include encouraging the retention of such vehicles in Alberta, promoting driving tours, displays and other activities our vehicles can participate in, and educating the general public in the historical contribution of the automobile in the development of our Canadian heritage.
The club organizes many tours and events throughout the calendar year, though obviously the majority are during the “car season” (from when the white melts to when it returns). Our General Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of the month from February to May and September to December at 7:30 in the evening at the Bison Lodge (9430 Scona Road, Edmonton, AB).

Come join us and see what we’re all about!

Visit our calendar to see what's happening.
Edmonton Antique Car Club Dodge Truck
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